Thursday, May 10, 2012

How to NOT save advice :-)

I could teach you all the ways to save money but I thought it would be a "shorter" list of how NOT to save money.  Also, this should give most of you a good laugh. Let's keep couponing light-hearted shall we???? LOL

1) Make sure you bring lots of distractions with you shopping! Bring your husband, your significant other, plus all your kids and throw in your best friend! Or better yet, make sure you are chatting on your cell phone to make you go even slower! Make it super challenging for yourself! Go ahead and just grab anyone to go with you that you think will help throw a bunch of stuff in your shopping cart. If they think they need something...chances are you probably do too??? Right???? LOL. 

2) Make sure you shop WITHOUT A PLAN!!!! It's best to just walk right into the store without even knowing what you are going to buy. You will know you need something but just don't remember. Not only will this help you buy 1/2 of the stuff you don't need, you will probably also pick up stuff you already have 10 things of at home because you just couldn't remember if you had it already or not! That's probably already why you have 10 of them because you've repeated this behavior before! LOL

3) Make sure you buy something just because you have a coupon for it!! If you took all that time to clip them, you SHOULD use them!!! don't wear Depends but since you have a coupon for it....sure...go ahead and buy those things!!!! LOL

4) Make sure you venture off your shopping course. We all know you just went in for Milk and Eggs and before you know it you had to go grab that darn cart to load more of the things that weren't on your list! Heck, venture off and have fun!!! LOL

5) Make sure you are STARVING when you go grocery shopping!! You probably won't even know what you really want until you have a cart full of stuff!!! See how large your eyes get when your stomach is on the brink of starving!!! And make sure you grab a bag of those little expensive chips or candy bars at the checkout lane! LOL

6) Make sure you send someone who knows NOTHING about couponing to do your shopping for you...for me, that would be my husband. That is a sure way to NOT save money. They will either A) get the WRONG item that is on the coupon AND/OR B) Totally forget those coupons in their pocket or purse. Then that way the shopping trip will be a total bust!!!

So...Happy shopping my friends and make sure that you do these things if you do NOT want to save any money!!!! LOL

Hope you enjoyed this entertaining and useful information!

Kouponing Kristyn 

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