Thursday, April 19, 2012

Begin your own STOCKPILE!!!


No..this is NOT a photo of my stockpile. :-) Mine is scattered from my garage, to closets. One day I will have just ONE location for everything. LOL

Well a stockpile is a great thing to have that can provide huge cost savings for you. Now, there IS a fine line between stockpiling and hoarding so try not to be one of those people :-) I personally have found I can’t keep a large stockpile as I am limited on space. The key to building your stockpile is to slowly build it as you come across really good deals. Since I am limited on space I tend to typically have around 10 of each item. Now, when it comes to toiletries I usually have more. I stockpile a lot of toiletries and pay a very minimal amount for them if I don’t get them free. The bigger the item (like paper towels and TP) I have 10 or less since they take up more room. A few things I have not paid for over the last 6 years are things like toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, feminine items, body wash and pasta to name a few. Other things I get for nearly free are hair products, pasta sauce, cereal, canned goods and more.

Stockpiling non perishable you can organize them however works for you. However when you have a stockpile of food it’s important to arrange them by date and then use the one expiring first so I don’t “lose” any products. It’s important to stay on top of the expiration dates. Stockpiles are great and it saves a ton of money but it’s definitely something you need to stay on top of to make sure you don’t over-buy or lose something that you end up not using. I guess my best tip for anyone who wants to stockpile is to know what a stock-up price is on items that you or your family uses and then get them at that price. You will see that you can slowly build your stockpile. You don’t have to do it all at once :-) 

Kouponing Kristyn 

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